NHL Data Central

NHL DFS Data Central Preview

You're seeing a PREVIEW of our industry-leading NHL DFS data. The preview does not contain all players for the upcoming slate.

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  • Advanced data for all Daily Fantasy Sports operators, including DraftKings, FanDuel, Yahoo, and more
  • Real-time updates throughout the day for ALL PLAYERS every time a new lineup is released or an injury happens
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  • Ownership for all NHL slates, including express, night, early, and more
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Daily Fantasy Hockey

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A self-proclaimed U.S. history buff, stats enthusiast, and rabid fan of anything Detroit (yes, even the Lions), Alex started playing daily fantasy sports in 2013 and never looked back. After graduating with a degree in mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis in 2008, he began developing advanced statistical models and applied his unique skill-set first to poker, then as a full-time DFS player. He has since dominated DFS, becoming a fixture on leaderboards and cementing his position as the top-ranked overall player according to RotoGrinders. Competing in most guaranteed prize pool tournaments, he has ranked in the top 3 across major sports, including NBA, NFL, NHL, PGA, and MLB. He enjoys sharing his knowledge of fantasy sports with new and experienced players alike. Career Highlights: No. 1 Overall Ranking; 14x FanDuel $100k winner, 11x DraftKings Hundred-Thousandaire; 20x Live Final qualifier. You can contact him on Twitter @awesemodfs or by emailing [email protected].

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