📽️ Thursday’s NBA Prop Bet of the Day: Khris Middleton OVER 22.5 Points

It’s a day ending in Y, so you know what that means? It’s a good day to get into the NBA player prop bets and NBA betting picks markets. Eric Lindquist is here to break down his favorite NBA player prop bet of the day on Thursday, Feb. 18, where he’s focusing on Milwaukee Bucks forward Khris Middleton, who carries an over/under prop of 22.5 points into tonight’s game. Check out Eric’s video on our Awesemo YouTube Channel and be sure you’re our Awesemo OddsShopper tool to find the best odds on the market to make sure your cashing your ticket for as much money as possible!

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NBA Player Prop Bet of The Day: Khris Middleton OVER 22.5 Points

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NBA Projections

Our NBA DFS projections are managed by Alex Baker and updated throughout the day as more information becomes available up until the last game tips. Projections are an integral part of a winning process for NBA DFS and using Awesemo’s projections provide you a system that’s proven to win money in tournaments over several seasons of action. Stat projections are provided to help NBA betting picks like player point or rebound NBA prop bets.

NBA Rankings

These NBA Rankings rankings for fantasy points and value are derived directly from my own fantasy NBA projections. Roster players with solid value rankings and spend most, if not all of your salary to build competitive lineups for your leagues.

NBA Boom/Bust Tool

In all DFS sports, being able to compare the strength of a player each day versus their popularity is key to success. In NBA, correlations between players are less valuable so the strength of each play can be considered individually. For each player, I calculate the standard deviation based on a variety of factors and use that to calculate the ceiling (75th-percentile performance) the floor (25th-percentile performance) and the probability that they will bust (not meeting value) or boom (value plus 10 points). Combining these metrics, you will be able to gain an edge on everyone by identifying under-owned or over-owned players.

NBA Ownership Projections

Initial ownership percentages are posted daily by 1:00 p.m. EST and are updated every two hours throughout the day with a final update occurring 30 minutes before lock. Note that last-minute injury reports will impact not only the injured players’ or their replacements’ ownership, but can affect overall roster construction and therefore, every other player on the slate.

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I'm a wannabe athlete whose athletic career ended after a long tenure riding the bench through JV baseball. The fantasy sports and sports betting degen side of me blossomed at age 12 when I found fantasy baseball and football, and led to a 12-year submergence into the poker scene -- I started playing "secret" cash games in my parents' basements by age 14. Luckily, I've finally found what I love to do -- write about "fake sports," which my girlfriend refers to it as, though it only took me until age 30. If you decide you like the words I write and follow me on Twitter (@nd_joyce), I apologize in advance for the copious amounts of dog photos you will see.

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